Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soundtrack to the Singularity

The first song is entitled "Song from Utopia" (lyrics are from Bostrom's "Letter to Utopia"), the second "Existential Risks," and the third "Welcome to the Posthuman."

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As mentioned above, the lyrics for this song are taken directly from Bostrom's "Letter from Utopia" (below). The audio clip is from Ray Kurzweil's presentation at the Singularity Summit in Stanford.

Greetings, and may this letter find you at peace and in prosperity! Forgive my writing to you out of the blue. Though you and I have never met, we are not strangers. We are, in a certain sense, the closest of kin…

I am one of your possible futures. One day, I hope, you will become me. Should fortune grant this wish, then I am not just a possible future of yours, but your actual future: a coming phase of you, like the full moon that follows a waxing crescent, or like the flower that follows a seed. I am writing to tell you about my life – how marvelous it is – that you may choose it for yourself.

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Audio clip of Nick Bostrom at TED, discussing existential risks.

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Audio clips of Andrew Sandberg and Aubrey de Grey, discussing life-extension technologies.